© 2018 - 2025, Joliet Area Theatre Organ Enthusiasts, Joliet , Ill. All Rights Reserved


Joliet Area Theatre Organ Enthusiasts

Rialto Square Theatre, Joliet, IL

The Joliet Area Theater Organ Enthusiasts (JATOE) are a group of volunteers founded in 1971 that are dedicated to preserving and furthering the use and understanding of the Theater Pipe Organ, it's music and it's heritage. The club's main project has been the ongoing restoration and preservation of the four manual Barton Grande Theater Pipe Organ located in the beautiful and majestic Rialto Square Theater in Joliet, Illinois. The organ is one of a few remaining original Theater Pipe Organ installations left in North America. A true rarity today, the Barton Grande is still in place at the theater for which she was designed. The Theater and organ were both built in 1926. JATOE accomplishes its mission because of our members. It is because of our membership we are able to enhance the Barton Grande to include all the latest Theater Pipe Organ technology. JATOE is a chapter of the American Theater Organ Society (ATOS), a 501(c)3 and Illinois Not for Profit organization and has encouraged the education and training of new performers. If you would like to join us in our efforts, consider becoming a member of JATOE!